The Kalinga University , a premier institution of teaching and research in the country , is established under Chhattisgarh Private Universities (Establishment and Operations) Act 2005 and under section 2 (f) of UGC Act 1956.
An Elite academic experience at Kalinga University that pushes the boundaries of Knowledge.
Your academic studies will be challenging. We offer the highest quality academic experience and expect you to excel with Emphasis on Originality. Our outstanding and responsive support services will be actively available to you right from the start of the transition to University life until the end of your degree.
Our academic standards are high. Our glorious leafy campus, which is, arguably, unparalleled in the country, provides a backdrop to your day to day life and study. The programs of the University focus on building depth of understanding, capacity for interdisciplinary learning and research, analytical skills ,critical thinking and communication in an atmosphere of academic freedom and integrity.